Why can’t I assign PaymentHub Integration base permission set to Salesforce Site Guest user?

    This FAQ is deprecated. Please instead refer to How does the Salesforce Winter '21 release affect FinDock permission sets?

In Salesforce environments on version Winter '21, it is no longer possible to assign the ‘PaymentHub Integration base’ permission set to the Salesforce Site Guest user. This permission set is required to handle notifications of Payment Service Providers in Classic Online Experience (with API v1) implementations. If you had assigned this permission set to the Salesforce Site Guest user prior to the Winter '21, you are not impacted by this issue.


Long term

Migrate to Enhanced Online Experience with API v2, which uses FinDock WebHub with strong authentication instead of the Salesforce Site Guest user.

Short term

  1. Clone the ‘PaymentHub Integration base’ permission set and make a new set.
  2. Remove the permissions listed below from the new set.
  3. Assign the new permission set to the Salesforce Site Guest user.

Remove Delete/View All/Modify All from the following objects:

  • Payment Schedule
  • Messages
  • Payment Profiles
  • Logs
  • Mandates
  • Recurring Payments
  • Recurring Payment Schedules
  • Mandate Histories
  • Payments
  • Installments
  • Transaction Sub Elements

Remove Delete from the following object:

  • Guided Matching Setups

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