Release Notes - October '18

New features

Close fiscal year

We implemented a hierarchical setting to prevent payments to be created or backdated before a per Organisation defined date. This will safeguard your General Ledger after the fiscal year has been closed.

Custom Payment Methods

It is now possible to define your own value for the Payment Methods pick-list. These custom payment methods will not trigger any unintended processing by PaymentHub, so you can use them for your own customizations.

CAMT.053 Entries with (Bank) Charges

In a CAMT.053 format, banks can report charges related to an individual transaction in the entry details of that transactions. PaymentHub is now able to extract these charges into transaction sub elements. This results in a more accurate representation of cash flow. The use of these charges elements in CAMT files is subject to specific banks and countries.


Performance upgrades

Significant performance improvements are made for large volume file processing. This includes the processing of Direct Debits (both SEPA and BACS), large volume Gift Aid claims, bank statement and processing of other reports.

Serial processing of updated Installments and Payments

Payment processing is, by its nature, working with large data volumes. These large data volumes can have an impact on your Salesforce customizations and roll-ups. We found that for some of our customers serial processing (instead of our default parallel processing) of large volume updates of Installments and Payments is less error prone. If you would like the processing for your org to switch from Parallel to Serial processing, please contact


We have implemented several data- and input validations to increase your data quality and reducing the risk of processing failures.

Mandate Schedule Validation

We have added the option to validate mandates before a Bacs DDI registration (AUDDIS) file is being created. This allow to detect errors earlier in the process. As a result the Mandate Schedule process has been changed which has an impact on your processes and requires action of your administrator.

Action required by your Admin:

On the Mandate Schedule page layout(s) the button “Send Generation Request” should be removed and new button “Generate Mandates” should be added.

New process:

After you have created a Mandate Schedule the generation starts by clicking the new button “Generate Mandates”. Once the Mandates are generated, we have the new state “Validate Mandates” this state triggers the validation of the mandates. If the validation results on any error the Mandate Schedule and the Mandate are set “Failed”, with the failure reason recorded on the Mandate(s). If there are no validation errors the Mandate Schedule is automatically set to Process to start the creation of the file.

Error messaging

We have improvement our error messaging in several areas to be more meaningful and user friendly. You can expect more error messaging updates from us in up-coming releases.

NPSP allow larger number of excluded record types

It is now possible to define 100 instead of only 12 Opportunity record types to be excluded in the synchronisation between NPSP and PaymentHub.

Support missing Transaction Details in a CAMT.053

If an Entry in your CAMT.053 bank statement does not contain Transaction Details (TxDtls) we no longer run into an error. PaymentHub now process that transaction with the data that is available.

Trigger NPSP GAU Allocation

When a campaign is selected in Manual Review we now forward it to NPSP Opportunity to allow Campaign based GAU allocations to be created.


Added support for Bunq bank for iDEAL transactions via PSP Buckaroo.

Last Collection Date

For Direct Debit Payments the Last Collection date is now taken from the Requested Collection Date instead of the due date. This result in a better alignment with the actual/expected cash flow.

BACS DDI Updates

We have added functionality to update DDI’s that have been registered at BACS for customers using SmartDebit and for customers using Standard18.

BACS illegal character replacement

BACS does only allow a limited characters for certain field, including Name field. We have implemented logic to replace illegal characters in the data send to BACS, without changing data in your Salesforce environment. This allows you to keep Mrs O’Brien with an apostrophe as her correct name in Salesforce and still register her DDI.

Payment Profile creation via API

Before creating a Payment Profile from on an API request we check if that Payment Profile already exists instead of creating a duplicate.

SEPA MandateID is put on Payment

When creating a Payment for a SEPA Direct Debit transaction we now include the Mandate ID on the Payment. Allowing for better tracking and reporting.

Aggregated Installment

Several improvements where made when using Aggregated Installment for BACS Direct Debits.

Bug fixes

Community users posting on Chatter no longer causes errors

We have fixed the issue that an incorrect error was thrown when community users tried to upload files not intended for PaymentHub.

Trim spaces from IBAN

If an IBAN entered on a Target contains spaces they will be automatically removed to avoid issues during processing.

Match Payment Reference containing spaces

Payment References containing spaces are now better matched against payment references reported in bank statements.

Number of times Collected and Reversed on Installment

The number of times an Installment is collected and reversed is now correctly recorded on the Installment.

Update error Opportunities with more than one Installments

Updating NPSP Opportunities with more than one Installment no longer results in an error.

Payment Profile data no longer mandatory in Manual Review

Manual Review no longer tries to create a Payment Profile is the data needed for the creation is not available in the bank statement.

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