Frequently Asked Questions
Salesforce questions
- When will FinDock replace its Salesforce workflows?
- Why did I get notified by Salesforce about ICU locale formats?
- Does updating the security token for the integration user affect ProcessingHub and WebHub connections?
- How does FinDock manage Salesforce release compatibility?
- Does a sandbox refresh or renewal impact FinDock?
- Does Salesforce IP session locking impact FinDock?
- Can I use the free Salesforce Integration user license with FinDock?
- Does FinDock support Enhanced Domains?
- How do I grant login access in Salesforce?
- What is my Salesforce Org Id?
- Does FinDock support Salesforce Shield Platform Encryption?
FinDock questions
- What are deleted staging records?
- Why are FinDock permission set group changes reset?
- How Should I use Guided Review?
- Can I accept donations from organizations through Giving Pages?
- Does FinDock support translations?
- How are IBANs validated on Payment Profile?
- Does FinDock support UTM tracking?
- What are the correct image dimensions for a Giving Page?
- Does FinDock work with Person Accounts?
- Does FinDock support eFaktura?
- Can I change when auto-collect payment schedules are run?
- Why do I get an invalid session error with Deploy Config?
- Can I replace an existing target?
- How do I choose a Bacs Direct Debit solution?
- What are FinDock's feature maturity stages?