Payments with FinDock

FinDock enables you to accept, collect and process both one-time and recurring payments directly from Salesforce.

You can use many payment methods through several different payment processors. For certain direct debit schemes, FinDock itself handles certain payment processing actions.

First, let’s look at a couple of key concepts.

Online payments

Money exchanges hands immediately. Online payments are synchronous - authorization and money transfer happen sequentially without delay. Debit card purchases, for instance, are online payments. The amount is debited as soon as the payer approves the transaction.

Offline payments

Money transfer is delayed. Offline payments are asynchronous - the money transfer happens at a different time from the payment authorization. These are also called “payer not present” payments, highlighting the fact that the payer is not involved in the collection process.

This isn't the only way to define "online" vs. "offline" payments. Sometimes "online payment" is used for anything done "online" through the internet, for instance. The above definitions are more to help you understand the technical distinctions in the FinDock context.

Next, have a look at the key payment objects of FinDock.

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