FinDock payment objects

When you install FinDock, several custom objects are added to the Salesforce CRM data model to process and manage payments. The main payment-related objects are outlined below.

InstallmentInstallments store details about payable or receivable amounts due. They are used for payment instructions to processors and can be a source of information for payer communications and reporting.
MandateMandates are payer agreements such as direct debit mandates or card authorizations. They allow collection of future installments for recurring payments and are typically a required record of authorization.
Recurring PaymentRecurring payments define the amount to be collected from the payer at a specified frequency. FinDock uses the recurring payment to determine to create and collect new installments. The Recurring Payment object is only used when FinDock is the source. If a source connector is installed, FinDock uses the source-specific object(s) for recurring payment collection.
PaymentPayment records represent actual cash flow to for a specific a credit, debit, reversal, refund, etc. Payments are linked to a single installment, while one installment can have multiple payments.
Payment ProfileThe payment profile stores details for a payment method that the payer has used, such as a bank account or tokenized card details.

For further information these objects and relations, see the FinDock data model.

Getting payment data into your Salesforce CRM is valuable in itself, but the ultimate goal is getting money on your organization’s bank account. Next up is FinDock tooling for handling payments.

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