Payment requests

Payment requests are payments initiated by you, the creditor, rather than the debtor. The requests can be used to handle, for example, recurring membership fees, or they can be generated for non-binding payments, such as a direct mail fundraising campaign with a pre-filled payment slip.

One option is to use the Payment Request Generator to "stamps" Salesforce records with a unique payment reference. Depending on the payment method, the requests can be reference IDs (e.g. used on printed payslips), links and QR codes. This feature is ideal for creating donation requests, without having to create corresponding installments upfront. The references can be used for print and digital channels, and they make matching successful payments easy. For more information, see Payment requests with FinDock.

Another option is to use paylinks. FinDock PayLinks is a paid add-on feature that automatically adds a payment URL to every installment in your org. Once you configure PayLinks is configured, you can use paylinks for most anything, including payment requests.

Some markets may have unique payment request methods. One such example is Tikkie in the Netherlands. FinDock supports bulk Tikkie generation as well as Quick Tikkies.

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