Configuring FinDock PayLinks

   FinDock PayLinks is a paid add-on feature. Please contact us to get started.

To find out more about FinDock PayLinks, please visit our website.


  • FinDock is installed and configured.
  • FinDock WebHub is connected.
  • Salesforce Content Deliveries is enabled.

In addition, if you are not using FinDock permission set groups, you need to assign the FinDock Core Giving Pages and PayLinks permission sets to users who will be creating PayLinks.

Create a PayLinks page

To configure a PayLinks page:

  1. Assign the Pages permission set to the user(s) configuring PayLinks.
  2. Launch the FinDock app click the Setup tab.
  3. Click the PayLinks tile under PaymentHub. Initial loading of the page builder may take time, so please be patient.
  4. Click through the guided introduction of the page builder or skip and go straight to the next step.
  5. Adjust page settings and appearance (logo, font, color, etc.) as needed and click Save changes.
  6. Select the Payment Form component.
  7. Adjust the form settings as needed. Be sure to configure payment methods carefully. (See below for configuration options.)
  8. Click Save changes when you are done, and then click Publish.

Optimize PayLink conversion with Google

FinDock helps you understand how visitors experience your PayLinks page using Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager. Both options are available, but only one should be used on a page according to Google recommendations.

Under the Pages settings, you have the following options:

  • Google Tracking ID: To collect traffic data to your Google Account, copy your Tracking ID or tag ID from your account into this field.
  • Google Tag ID: Add your Google Tag Manager in this field measure page performance. You should only use Google Tag Manager or Google Analytics. A page with both may result in faulty metrics.

For Google Analytics, you can use some or all of the following specific events for your pages:

  • Session_start: triggered when a visitor lands on your Giving Pages webpage
  • Validate_amounts_frequency: triggered when a visitor chooses an amount and clicks Next
  • Validate_personal_details: triggered when the visitor has filled in personal details and clicks Next
  • Make_payment_intent: triggered when the visitor clicks the Donate button
  • Payment_intent_succeeded: triggered when the visitor is redirected back to the Giving Pages webpage after successfully completing the payment
  • Payment_intent_failed: triggered by a failure in the payment intent process which prevented completion

    With EU audiences, please keep in mind GDPR requirements.

Payment form options

As with other page elements, you can modify the basic appearance - font, background, padding and so forth - of the form. In addition, there is two key settings: brand Color and Due Date Label.

The brand color setting determines the color of the radio button, checkboxes and button(s) on the payment form. The default color in the templates has been set to fit the color scheme of the template images.

The due date label setting is by default "Due," but you can change this or translate it as necessary.

For a complete overview of the payment form options, see Payment Form configuration options.

Payment Details

In this part of the payment form configuration, you need to decide what payment method(s) will be offered to the donor.

Select Payment Method LabelThe text displayed above the dropdown list of payment method options.

Click the Configure Payment Methods button to open the configuration details (pictured below).

The main aspects to plan and configure are:

  • Which payment methods you want to offer
  • The order in which the method options should be lists for donors
  • The default method for each payment period (one-time and recurring)

PayLinks payment methods configuration

The payment methods available in the configuration popup depend on which processors and methods you have activated in FinDock. Only activated methods can be used in the payment form. Use the left-right and up-down arrows to add methods to the form and change the order.

For each payment method, you can enter a custom label (name shown to the donor) and use the toggles to define the defaults for one-time and recurring options.

In addition, any parameters that are available for the given processor and method are available for configuration. You can see these by clicking the Show Parameters button. For each parameter you can define a label, a default value (if allowed), as well as set visible and required toggles. For some methods, if the parameters are required by the payment method (e.g. account holder name and account number for Bacs DD), they are already set accordingly and made visible for donors.

    If the payment method has a description parameter, by default FinDock sets the value for that parameter using the value from the Bank Statement Description field on the installment (which is also shown to the payer).

Page labels

Button label nextThe text displayed on the button that takes the payer to the processor-specific secure payment page.

Thank you page

Here you configure the thank you message for successful payments.

Thank you typeSelect Embedded to show the thank you content that you define here. Select Custom to use a separate thank you page. For this option, add the URL for your page in the Thank you URL field. If you include in the URL the variable __GUID__ FinDock automatically modifies the URL with the GUID of the given installment.
Thank you titleThe main text at the top of the thank you message.
Title heading typeSets the size of the title text. Heading 1 is largest, heading 5 smallest.
Title font colorUse the color picker to set the title text color.
Thank you textUse the text editor to add a full thank you message.

Generic errors

In addition to the error page that is displayed when something goes wrong with the payment process, you can define here the error messages that appear when a field value is missing or incorrect.

Required field missing messageIf a required field is not filled in, this message is shown. In the message, __FIELD_LABEL__ is a variable that is replaced with the label of the field missing a value.
Invalid field messageIf field contains an invalid value, this message is shown. In the message, __FIELD_LABEL__ is a variable that is replaced with the label of the field with an invalid value.

Error page

Here you configure the error message when for some reason (e.g. lost internet connection) the payment could not be processed.

Error page typeSelect Embedded to show the error content you that you define here. Select Custom to use a separate error page. For this option, add the URL for your page in the Error Page URL field. If you include in the URL the variable __GUID__, FinDock automatically modifies the URL with the GUID of the given installment.
Error page titleThe main text at the top of the thank you message.
Title heading typeSets the size of the title text. Heading 1 is largest, heading 5 smallest.
Title font colorUse the color picker to set the title text color.
Error page textUse the text editor to add a full error message.

Already paid error

Here you configure the message that that is shown when a payment link is accessed for an installment that is already paid.

Already paid titleThe main text at the top of the thank you message.
Title heading typeSets the size of the title text. Heading 1 is largest, heading 5 smallest.
Title font colorUse the color picker to set the title text color.
Already paid textUse the text editor to add a full error message.

Not found error

Here you configure the message that that is shown when a payment link is accessed for an installment that cannot be found.

Not found titleThe main text at the top of the thank you message.
Title heading typeSets the size of the title text. Heading 1 is largest, heading 5 smallest.
Title font colorUse the color picker to set the title text color.
Not found textUse the text editor to add a full error message.

Advanced Settings

Here you can configure a webhook URL to inform other systems and applications about installment status changes.

Webhook URLAdd a webhook URL for your system or application to receive webhook notifications from FinDock. If you include in the URL the variable __GUID__, FinDock automatically modifies the URL with the GUID of the given installment.

Add Pay URL field to Installment

The FinDock PayLinks payment link URL is automatically generated for installments in your org. The unique URL is added to the Pay URL field. This field is available by default on the Installment object page layout. However, if it is not visible for some reason, please add it to the layout again.

Using multiple PayLinks pages

FinDock PayLinks supports multiple PayLinks pages. We recommend using just one PayLinks page for clarity and simplicity, but multiple pages are supported for case where, for example, you need to be able to share payment links that go to pages in different languages.

Multiple page support is activated by creating a second PayLinks page. Click the 'Pages + button in the builder menu to get started.

PayLinks multi page activation button

Activating multi page support changes FinDock PayLinks configuration, so please ensure multiple PayLinks pages are necessary before proceeding.

Creating a new page permanently changes FinDock PayLinks by:

  • Adding PayLinks Manager to PayLinks configuration
  • Requiring the PayLinks Page field on Installment

The new page you set up and publish as normal (same procedure as above), but after the page is published, you need to use the PayLinks Manager to define which page is the default.

PayLinks Manager

The default PayLinks page is used for the PayLinks Page value if you do not set the value yourself. Please ensure the PayLinks Page field on installments uses the correct page by

  • Using Salesforce automation to populate the PayLinks Page field (cpm__PayLinks_Page__c) with the 'Slug'-value from the PayLinks Manager
  • Manually setting the PayLinks Page field (cpm__PayLinks_Page__c) with the 'Slug'-value from the PayLinks Manager

   The slug is shown on the PayLinks Manager page thumbnail. The actual slug value does not, however, include special characters other than the dash (-). For example, whale_invoicing becomes whaleinvoicing, while whale-invoicing remains as is.

Through the PayLinks Manager, you can edit existing pages (Go to Builder) button, change the default page, as well as delete pages by clicking the drop-down arrow to the right in the page row.

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