Payment requests with FinDock

FinDock generates payment references that can be used for different types of payments requests. Payment requests include invoices and e-invoices, direct mail campaigns, emails, personalized request forms for membership renewals, and so forth.

The payment reference format for the request depends on the payment method. Some methods use a unique reference number, while others use URL links and QR codes, for example.

Salesforce apps and other tools create channel-specific requests, like a downstream process for sending invoices. FinDock generates the reference for each installment for the downstream process and automatically matches incoming payments based on the generated references.


  • FinDock installed and configured
  • Payment extension for payment method installed and configured

How to generate payment references

For a payment request, you need a payment reference. This reference allows you to track the payment and enables FinDock to automatically match the incoming confirmation. The payment reference can be generated in three ways:

  • Individually on Installment records to have a unique reference number on the installment
  • On Recurring Payment records to have the same reference on all installments of the recurring payment
  • In bulk with the Payment Request Generator to use, for example, on fundraising campaigns without needing to first create Salesforce records

References on individual installments

To add a payment reference on an individual installment is very simple. FinDock automatically generates the value when you enter values for the Processing Details fields Payment Method, Payment Processor, and in some cases, also Target.

These fields can be filled manually or through a payment schedule (which creates new installments).

Recurring references on installments

To generate a payment reference that is used across all installments for a given recurring payment, you need to adjust the advanced settings of the payment method itself.

After activating the payment method, enable the Generate on Recurring Level advanced setting. Once that is enabled, the Processing Details on the Recurring Payment record determine the payment reference on the related installments.

Bulk references

To generate payment references in bulk without needing to also create Installment records, you use the Payment Request Generator. The references can be stamped, for example, on reports or campaigns and used for invoicing and direct mailing.

References through the Payment API

With most payment request payment methods, you can generate new payment references through the Payment API. This online approach results in installments or recurring payments with the selected payment method reference format.

However, keep in mind that the installments, as in other cases, need a custom solution for collection. They are not collected through API callouts to PSPs (with some exceptions, like Tikkie) or payment schedules.

To collect the payment, you need a to share the payment request reference with the payer through a custom channel, like printed payment slips, that use an org-specific setup or third-party solution.

Payment methods for payment requests

The payment method determines the format of the payment reference that can be included in a payment request. The following sections describe what is needed to use the given payment method to generate requests.

Acceptgiro setup

   Acceptgiro has been discontinued and replaced by other options, such as iDEAL QR. The payment reference format itself, however, can still be used for bank transfer matching and reconciliation.

The acceptgiro payment method is part of the SEPA Direct Debit extension and used for payment requests in the Netherlands.

To generate a acceptgiro payment reference, set the following Processing Details fields on the installment:

  • Payment Processor: PaymentHub-SEPA
  • Payment Method: acceptgiro

Bollettino Postale setup

The Bolletino Postale payment method is part of the SEPA Direct Debit extension and used with payment slips in Italy. For further information, see Bollettino Postale Processing.

To generate a Bollettino Postale payment reference, the Quarto Campo, set the following Processing Details fields on the installment:

  • Payment Processor: PaymentHub-SEPA
  • Payment Method: Bollettino Postale

ESR setup for QR-bill

The ESR payment reference format is used for QR-bills, which have replaced ESR payment slips.

To generate an ESR payment reference for QR-bills, set the following Processing Details fields on the installment:

  • Payment Processor: PaymentHub-CH–DD or PaymentHub-LSV+
  • Payment Method: ESR

Giro (KID) setup

The Giro (KID) payment method is used for Giro payments with a KID reference (customer identification) in Norway. The payment method is available through the Nordic Payments extension where the format of the KID is defined.

To generate a Giro KID payment reference, set the following Processing Details fields on the installment:

  • Payment Processor: FinDock-for-Norway
  • Payment Method: Giro

Giro (OCR) setup

   Giro (OCR) is in beta.

The Giro (OCR) payment method is part of the Nordic Payments. Giro payments with an OCR reference are used in Sweden. The format is dependent on the settings of the target selected for the installment.

To generate a Giro OCR payment reference, set the following Processing Details fields on the installment:

  • Payment Processor: FinDock-for-Sweden
  • Payment Method: Giro
  • Target: any target type for FinDock-for-Sweden


The iDEAL and iDEAL QR payment methods are online banking options that can also be used for payment requests.

You can generate iDEAL and iDEAL QR references with the Payment Reference Generator. FinDock uses Buckaroo for reference generation, so you need the Buckaroo payment extension.

References cannot be auto-generated on individual installments.

OGM setup

The OGM payment method (overschrijving met gestructureerde mededeling) is used in Belgium and is part of the SEPA Direct Debit extension.

To generate a OGM payment reference, set the following Processing Details fields on the installment:

  • Payment Processor: PaymentHub-SEPA
  • Payment Method: OGM

Tikkie setup

FinDock supports a wide range of methods for generating Tikkie payment references, which function similarly to iDEAL but with a different reference format.

The Tikkie reference itself also has additional options like amount and expiration period. For details on how to use Tikkie payment requests, see Using Tikkie.

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