Add payment extensions

Payment extensions integrate Payment Service Providers (PSPs) or add native payment processing to FinDock. Each payment extension supports one or more payment methods that need to be activated before you can use them.

To use processing services and specific payment methods, you need to have a merchant account at a PSP or an account at a bank. These account details are used by FinDock to handle payment processing through the given processor. Please review what is required in terms of contracts and agreements between your organization and the payment processor before proceeding.

Install a payment extension

To install a payment extension:

  1. Launch the FinDock app and click the FinDock Setup tab.
  2. Go to Payment Processors & Methods.
  3. Under Install Payment Processors, install the desired packages.
  4. Wait for the installation(s) to complete.
  5. The processor remains deactivated until it is configured.

Add payment methods

To add a payment method:

  1. From the FinDock Setup tab, go to Payment Processors & Methods.
  2. Under Installed Processors, click the given processor entry. FinDock automatically activates the processor.
  3. On the processor's setup page, click the toggle next to the payment method(s) you want to activate.
  4. In the popup, click Activate and Deploy.
  5. Scroll down to Advanced Settings to further configure payment methods.
    • DEFAULT: Indicates FinDock which processor FinDock uses for the given payment method if a processor is not included in the payment intent message to Payment API.
    • GENERATE ON RECURRING LEVEL: For payment methods that support reference generation, you can set where the unique reference is stored. By default (toggle off), a unique reference is added to every installment. Toggle on to add a unique reference to the recurring object, which is then copied to linked installments.

Deactivate methods or processors

You can deactivate payment methods and/or payment processor extensions to help keep your control picklists in FinDock free from values that are not longer used. Deactivation does not remove payment data.

Before you deactivate the payment method or processor, make sure it is noted need for processing any existing installments with open amounts. Also consider the impact on paid installments that are eligible for refund or reversal.

To deactivate a payment method or processor:

  1. From the FinDock Setup tab, go to Payment Processors & Methods.
  2. Under Installed Processors, click on the given processor row.
  3. to deactivate a method, on the processor's setup page, click the toggle next to the payment method(s) you want to remove.
  4. If you want to deactivate the processor (and all methods), scroll do the bottom of the page and click the toggle for Deactivate Processor under Advanced Settings.
  5. Wait for FinDock to deploy the changes.

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