
The /Installment endpoint allows you to retrieve detailed information on an Installment, the FinDock data-in-Salesforce equivalent of a one-time payment.

All one-time payments created through the API become installments. However, installments are also be created through other channels. These non-API installments can be queried through this endpoint.

The response includes a list of all Payment records (cash movements) that have been performed in relation to the queried installment. An installment can be collected through several payments with different processors and payment methods.

The Installment object


Retrieve OneTime/Installment details

Returns detailed information - including status and underlying individual payments - of an Installment record in Salesforce. Installment records can be created by passing a OneTime object to the PaymentIntent endpoint.



The record Id or GUID of the Installment to retrieve.



Response examples

API was called successfully.

  "Id": "a083X00001aUMCnQAO",
  "GUID": "sdfasdf-asfads-242134-adsfadf-23423",
  "Url": "/services/data/36.0/sobjects/a083X00001aUMCnQAO",
  "Type": "cpm__Installment__c",
  "Status": "Collected",
  "Amount": 10.0,
  "AmountOpen": 0.0,
  "RecordTypeName": "Receivable",
  "PayUrl": "",
  "PaymentProcessor": "PaymentHub-SEPA",
  "PaymentMethod": "Direct Debit",
  "PaymentIntentId": "pi_1hubybk7nh45rvbt6",
  "Payments": [
      "Id": "a0R3X00000V20tbUAB",
      "Url": "/services/data/v48.0/sobjects/cpm__Payment__c/a0R3X00000V20tbUAB",
      "Type": "cpm__Payment__c",
      "Target": "PRIMARY-BANK-ACCOUNT",
      "PaymentProcessor": "PaymentHub-SEPA",
      "PaymentMethod": "Direct Debit",
      "CollectionDate": "2020-12-10",
      "Amount": 10.0

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