As part of the SEPA payment extension, FinDock supports SEPA-compliant Electronic Database Alignment (SEDA) services used in Italy. SEDA established specific rules for the exchange of mandate-related information between the bank of the creditor (called the Alignment Bank in SEDA) and the bank of the debtor prior to the first direct debit collection.

These exchanges are done via structured Payments Initiation (PAIN) files: pain.009, pain.010, pain.011 and pain.012. FinDock supports SEDA services for both incoming and outgoing files.

Supported SEDA procedures

FinDock supports the basic SEDA module. This means you (the creditor) can register, amend and cancel mandates. Your customers and donors (debtors) cannot register a mandate. They are only allowed to amend or cancel their mandates. For further information, please refer to official SEDA documentation.

Enabling SEDA support

There are no special action needed to enable SEDA once SEPA Direct Debit is configured. However, use SEDA, you need to make the following page layout modifications:

  • Contact page: add ‘Tax code’ field
  • Inbound Report page: add ‘Accepted’ field (true or false)
  • Mandate page: add ‘AccountholderName’ (from Payment Profile) and ‘Tax code’ (from Contact)
  • Mandate Schedule page: add Generate Mandates button

Creating SEDA targets

SEDA targets are similar to SEPA targets, but there are a additional target settings.

Follow the normal procedure for creating SEPA targets, but select SEDA as the type and fill out the SEPA target settings along with the additional SEDA-specific settings below.

Clearing system member codeYour member code with the clearing system.
CUC codeCBI Unique Identifier. For further information, see CBI.
SIA codeYour SIA code.

SEDA mandates

The starting point for SEDA mandates is similar to normal SEPA mandates: configure the mandate prefix and enable auto-creation of mandates in the Core mandate settings. From there, the process diverges.

Creating SEDA mandates

Unlike SEPA, auto-created SEDA mandates are not immediately active. Newly created mandates get the status ‘Pending registration.’

If you have to cancel a mandate, you need to manually change the mandate status to ‘Pending cancellation.’ This deactivates the mandate, and it can no longer be used.

If you want to change the parameters of a mandate, make the changes to the associated payment profile in Salesforce. These changes are automatically added to the mandate. After making the profile changes, set the mandate status to ‘Pending amendment.’

Registering SEDA mandates

After SEDA mandates are created in FinDock, you need to generate pain.009 files and send those files to your bank for registration.

To process new SEDA mandates:

  1. Create a new mandate schedule as normal.
  2. Select your SEDA target and processing date, and then click Start Generation.
  3. After the mandate schedule changes to ‘Generated,’ you can open the related list of the mandate schedule to check, if needed, the mandates that are pending registration, pending amendment and pending cancellation (for the selected target).
  4. Use the Mandate Schedule Path to process the schedule and initiate the pain.009 file creation in ProcessingHub. You can follow the progress of the job in the ProcessingHub Manager.
  5. When the job is ready, you can fetch the generated SEDAC file (containing the pain.009 file) in your file exchange Chatter group. Download the file and send it to your bank for acceptance.

Processing acceptance reports

Your bank sends you acceptance reports for pain.009 files you have generated with FinDock and submitted to the bank for review. You need to upload these reports to validate the SEDA mandates.

To process acceptance reports:

  1. Upload the acceptance reports (SEDAD file, pain.012) to your file exchange Chatter group.
  2. ProcessingHub automatically extracts information from uploaded reports and creates corresponding inbound reports.
  3. FinDock updates the relevant mandate records in Salesforce.
  4. On the corresponding mandate schedule, click the File Accepted button to complete the Mandate Schedule Path.

Inbound reports can have the following status:

  • Error: no mandate found
  • Manual: the mandate (at the bank) does not have the correct status
  • Processed: the mandate was found

For inbound reports with status ‘Processed,’ the mandate status in FinDock is changed to match the acceptance report result:

  • False: mandate is not accepted and status is set to ‘Failed’
  • True: mandate accepted and status is set to ‘Active’

Processing mandate changes initiated by bank or debtor

If your bank or a debtor (customer or donor) wants to change an existing mandate, this is handled through a SEDAD file that you receive from the bank.

To process mandate changes from bank or debtor:

  1. Upload the SEDAD file to your file exchange Chatter group.
  2. ProcessingHub automatically extracts information from uploaded files and creates corresponding inbound reports.
  3. FinDock updates the relevant mandate records in Salesforce.

Inbound reports can have the following status:

  • Error: no mandate found
  • Manual: the mandate (in FinDock) does not have the correct status or the mandate occurred more than once in the uploaded file and needs to be checked manually
  • Processed: the mandate was found

For inbound reports with status ‘Processed,’ the mandate status in FinDock is changed to match the change request:

  • If the request was for a cancellation, the mandate is cancelled and no longer available.
  • If the request was for an amendment, the payment profile and the mandate are updated accordingly. The previous information is stored in the Mandate History object. You can add this object to the related list of the Mandate page layout if needed.

   FinDock cannot change a tax number with this method.

Create and register mandates manually

In cases where SEDA mandates need to be handled individually, you can manually create new mandate records and use a mandate schedule for registration.

To manually create and register a new mandate:

  1. Launch the FinDock app and click the Mandates tab.
  2. Create a new mandate record with the status ‘Pending registration.’
  3. Run or schedule a new mandate schedule.
  4. Process the mandate schedule as normal and send the generated SEDAC file to your bank.

When you upload the corresponding SEDAD file (pain.012) that you receive from your bank to your file exchange Chatter group, ProcessingHub automatically processes the file and changes the status of your manually created mandate file to ‘Success’ or ‘Failed’ based on the SEDAD file.

Amend mandates manually

If an existing SEDA mandate needs to be changed, you can update the information manually in Salesforce.

To manually process a mandate amendment:

  1. Update the SEDA mandate information as needed and change the Status field to ‘Pending amendment.’
  2. Run or schedule a new mandate schedule.
  3. Process the mandate schedule as normal. The status of the amended mandate is automatically changed to ‘Pending amendment acceptance.’
  4. Send the generated SEDAC file to your bank.
  5. To complete the amendment, upload the corresponding SEDAD file (pain.012) from your bank to your file exchange Chatter group.

If there are no issues with the amendments, the mandate record status is changed to 'Success.'

Another way a SEDA mandate can be amended is by the debtor (your donor or customer). This will result in a pain.010 in a SEDAD file. This SEDAD file should be uploaded to Chatter where it is automatically picked up by ProcessingHub. ProcessingHub creates an inbound report and tries to find a related mandate record. If found, the mandate record is updated with the details in the SEDAD and the status is set to 'Success.'

Cancel mandates manually

As with amendments, you can manually cancel an existing SEDA mandate.

To manually process a mandate cancellation:

  1. Change the Status field of the SEDA mandate to ‘Pending cancellation.’
  2. Run or schedule a new mandate schedule.
  3. Process the mandate schedule as normal. The status of the canceled mandate is automatically changed to ‘Pending cancellation acceptance.’
  4. Send the generated SEDAC file to your bank.
  5. To complete the cancellation, upload the corresponding SEDAD file (pain.012) from your bank to your file exchange Chatter group.

If there are no issues with the cancellation, the mandate record status is changed to 'Cancelled.'

As with amendments, a cancellation can be initiated by the debtor. This will result in a pain.011 in a SEDAD file.

Upload the SEDAD file to Chatter where it is automatically picked up by ProcessingHub. ProcessingHub creates an inbound report and tries to find a related mandate record. If found, the mandate record status is set to 'Success.'

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