Insights via ProcessingHub Manager

This article describes ProcessingHub Manager and how can be used to, for example:

  • Track progress of a process (such as Payment schedules or importing files to extract data into Salesforce).
  • Troubleshoot setup or other errors
  • Handle data load issues

The ProcessingHub Manager tab is available by default through the FinDock app.

Key terms

  • Process:
    • Each processed payment schedule and mandate schedule.
    • Each imported file with data extracted into Salesforce.
  • Workflow: Sequence of activities to execute a process.
  • Step: Each workflow consists of multiple steps. Steps are always executed serially and in a predefined order.
  • Task: An activity within a step. Tasks within a step are handled either serially in a predefined order or parallel.
  • Data load: A data load represents an interaction with the Salesforce API to query, insert, upsert or update data.
  • Fetch: Query data from Salesforce.
  • Push: Load data into Salesforce by means of an insert, upsert or update.


ProcessingHub Manager overview

  1. The left pane shows all processes that have been processed the last 3 months. Processes from before the release of this functionality (29/6/2019) are not shown. Processes are sorted by creation date with the newest first.
  2. For each process key information is shown:
    • Top-left (before first dash): Process sequence number. Example: โ€œ273โ€
    • Top-left (between dashes): Type of process (payment schedule, mandate schedule or extract). Example โ€œPayment Scheduleโ€.
    • Top-left (after last dash): Payment method for payment or mandate schedule. File type for extract. Example: โ€œGiftAidโ€.
    • Top-right: Process status
    • Bottom-left: Payment or mandate schedule name. This is the same name as can be found in Salesforce. Example: โ€œPS-000000066โ€.
    • Bottom-right: Creation date/time of process in the ProcessingHub.
  3. Refresh button to refresh full left pane. This refresh button does not refresh the right pane with process details.
  4. The right pane shows the details for a selected process. A process can be selected by clicking on one of the process items in the left pane (2). The right pane consists of a header showing the sequence number and type of the selected process and the following 3 tabs:
    • Workflow: This is the most important tab. It shows all steps, tasks, data loads and tasks and contains functionality for data load retries.
    • Logs: Full overview of all logs. All task related logs (almost all) can be found under the workflow tab as well under the task.
    • Details: Process details and parameters
  5. Steps. Each step shows a badge that indicates if the tasks for that step are handled serially from top to bottom or parallel. Some steps can also have a badge saying โ€œTriggered by External Eventโ€. This means that this step will not immediately start after the previous step has been completed (which is the default), but that it needs to be triggered by an external event. The external event is typically a payment or mandate schedule being set to โ€œVerifiedโ€ by a user in Salesforce.
  6. Tasks within a step. For each task, any related data loads and logs are shown. Also start and end-time are shown.
  7. Number of data loads related to a task. This badge is not shown if there are no data loads related to a task. The badge can be clicked to view data load details and also to get access to data load retry functionality if needed.
  8. Number of logs related to a task. This badge is not shown if there are no logs related to a task. The badge can be clicked to view the logs.
  9. Refresh button to refresh full right pane. This refresh button does not refresh the left pane with all processes. The small refresh buttons next to each step behave exactly the same as the larger refresh button. These are included to avoid having to scroll-up when following a process execution.

Processes are Handled Serially

Processes, the left pane of the ProcessingHub Manager, are handled one-by-one, never parallel. The next process will also never be started if the active one didnโ€™t reach an end state: completed or rejected. This means that the full system can be waiting for a process that is in an error state or for user interaction needed.

If a process on your production environment didn't reach an end state and you can't retry the data load, something else is wrong and you need to contact support. If a process on your sandbox environment didn't reach an end state and you can't retry the data load, you can use the delete functionality. With this functionality you can delete a whole process to make sure the next process will start. Please be careful with this functionality, because any changes this process already made to Salesforce data (through 'Push' tasks) cannot be rolled back. Which means that deleting a process may be a risk for data integrity. This is also the reason this button isn't available on production. The delete button can be found in the ProcessingHub tab.

  1. Click on the process which blocks you from further processing.
  2. Go to Details.
  3. Click Delete Process. ProcessingHub Manager delete

Process, Step and Task Status

StatusIconDescriptionEnd Status; Can Related Task ProceedUser Actions
NewNoneNew. Needs to be picked up.NoNo
PendingPending iconWaiting to be picked up.NoNo
QueuedPending iconTechnical status related to internal queuing. A process/step/task should only have this status very briefly.NoNo
RunningRunning iconProcessing.NoNo
CompletedCompleted iconCompleted.YesNo
RejectedRejected iconInput for the process contained errors and cannot be processed.YesFix data or input file and try again.
Pending Dataload errorPending data load failed iconAn error occurred while querying, inserted, updating or upserting data to/from Salesforce.NoDrill down to data load. Fix root cause and retry.
FailedPending data load failed iconAn error other than rejected or pending dataload error occurred.NoTroubleshoot using error messages and logs provided by the system.
Pending External TriggerPending external trigger errorProcess, step or task is waiting for an external trigger. This always means that a payment schedule or mandate schedule needs to be set to verified.NoSet related payment or mandate schedule to verified.

Dataload Status

StatusIconDescriptionEnd Status; Can Related Task ProceedUser Actions
NewNoneNew. Needs to be picked up.NoNone
PendingPending iconWaiting to be picked up.NoNone
RunningRunning iconProcessing.NoNone
CompletedCompleted iconCompleted.YesNone
FailedPending data load failed iconAn error occurred while querying, inserted, updating or upserting data to/from Salesforce.NoCorrect root cause and retry.

Connection status

The connection status can be found on the right-top in the ProcessingHub Manager. The status of the connection is shown both for Salesforce to ProcessingHub and for ProcessingHub to Salesforce. Connection issue:

Connection issue

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