Processing Total IN files

   FinDock Total IN file processing is in beta.

The Total IN file format is used in Sweden to report PlusGiro, Bankgiro and other payments processed through the Total IN services of Nordea.

Total IN reconciliation process

FinDock automatically picks up Total IN files for processing once they are uploaded to Chatter. Files are first parsed by ProcessingHub into transaction sets and transactions. Matching is then carried out through Guided Matching managed and custom rules.

The overall flow is illustrated below with three basic steps:

  1. Fetch file from Chatter.
  2. Parse and extract file content into transaction sets and transactions.
  3. Match, update and enrich payment data through Guided Matching.

Total IN file processing

Targets for Total IN processing

For each originating bank account of your Total IN files, you need to configure a target for ProcessingHub to use in the reconciliation process.

When creating targets for Total IN processing, use the following configuration:

  • Target Processor: FinDock-for-Sweden
  • Target Type: PlusGiro
  • Append Length Digit To OCR Reference: set according to your bank’s specifications
  • OCR Reference Length: set according to your bank’s specifications
  • Bank account number: your PlusGiro account number associated with your Total IN service
  • Duplicate file protection: enable (recommended) to ensure duplicate files are not processed

To add a Total IN target:

  1. Launch the FinDock app and click the FinDock Setup tab.
  2. Go to Payment Processors & Methods.
  3. Under Installed Processors, click the Sweden processor entry.
  4. Click Add account.
  5. Fill in the target settings as described above.
  6. Click Save.

Total IN file structure

The basic file structure is illustrated below, where a single file can have one or more Accounts and Currencies sections, which in turn have one Transactions section. Each Transactions section has one Payment / Deduction entry and several optional informational entries along with it.

Total IN file structure

When ProcessingHub parses a Total IN file, a single Transaction Set record is created for the file. Each Accounts and Currencies section in that file is parsed into a Transaction record related to the transaction set.

Total IN parsing

Transaction creation

Based on the Record Type (first two characters), ProcessingHub identifies the type of record the line represents.

When a Payment/Deduction record is created, ProcessingHub adds the associated "Records for Sender account etc." in the Raw XML Entry field of the Transaction record. Account holder name is taken from the Name entry. Address line 1 is then extracted from the Address entry, while City, Postal Code and Country Code come from the "Postal code, city, countrycode" entry.

Total IN field mapping

The following table outlines the mapping between Total IN fields for payments and fields on Transaction Set and Transaction.

Total IN RecordTotal IN FieldFinDock ObjectFinDock Field
Opening record FileTotal IN IDTransaction SetElectronic Sequence Number
Start record Account and currencyReceiving accountTransaction SetIBAN
Start record Account and currencyCurrencyTransaction SetCurrency
Opening record FileDate createdTransaction SetFrom Date
Opening record FileDate createdTransaction SetTo Date
Payment record/Deduction recordSender-Bankgiro numberTransactionIBAN
Payment record/Deduction recordCustomer referenceTransactionPayment Reference
Payment record/Deduction recordTotal IN transaction serial numberTransactionEnd To End Id
Payment record/Deduction recordAmountTransactionAmount
Deduction recordDeduction codeTransactionReason Code
Payment sender records/NameName 1 && Name 2TransactionAccount Holder Name
Payment sender* / AddressAddress1TransactionAddress Line 1
Payment sender* / Postal code, city, countrycodeCityTransactionCity
Payment sender* / Postal code, city, countrycodeCountry codeTransactionCountry
Payment sender* /Postal code, city, countrycodePostal codeTransactionPostal Code
Opening record FileDate createdTransactionDate

* This payer information may also be found in Sender account records. If the Payer sender record is empty, FinDock extracts and uses the Sender account record information instead.

Extending Total IN processing with Guided Matching

Out of the box, FinDock extracts the information from Total IN files required to update payment data in Salesforce. However, the files may contain other information that you would like to use.

Through Guided Matching, you can do just about anything you want with the information in the file. You can also create rules that extend the logic of the already parsed data on Transaction Set and Transaction records.

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