Processing C72 files

In Spain, banks provide information about changed bank data of payers through Cuaderno72 files (also known as C72 or CDB).

FinDock parses the C72 information into Inbound Report records for matching and updating payment data.

Processing C72 files

To process C72 files, you need to have a SEPA target for the bank account from which you receive C72 files. Upload the files to Chatter as normal to start reconciliation.

The status of an uploaded file can be tracked by taking a look at the comments on the post, or by checking the PaymentHub File record created for this file.

When the file is parsed, the extracted information is used to create Inbound Report records for each statement in the uploaded file as mapped in the following table.

Inbound Report fieldC72 input mapping
Account NumberNew IBAN as reported in C72
Account Number AdditionalNew BIC as reported in C72
Mandate ReferenceMandate ID (UMR) as reported in the C72 record
RAW MessageEntire C72 03 record
Reason CodeReason code as reported in C72
Reasoncode ExplanationIf “Reason Code” = 1 “Recoding by bank” If “Reason Code” = 2 “Ordered by Debtor”
Report SubTypeMandateNewBankaccount
Report TypeMandateUpdate
StatusStatus of the Inbound Report (see below)
PaymentHubFileLink to the PaymentHub File

The resulting inbound report can have one of the follow status values.

  • New: Inbound report has not been processed
  • Processed: Inbound report was successfully processed
  • Manual: An issue occurred needing user attention (for instance duplicate records are found); this status is also used for reports generated from PSP notifications that can be further modified through manual action, but do not require it
  • Error: A technical error occurred preventing the processing

Handling of Report SubType MandateNewBankaccount

The reported Mandate is update with the new BIC and/or IBAN. If the Account or Contact related to the Mandate does not have a Payment Profile with the new BIC and/or IBAN a new Payment Profile is created. In order to the History of the Mandate a MandateHistory record is created and the field OriginalBankAccount is filled with the previous bank account. All active future Recurring Payments and all Installments with status New or Pending Recollection are updated with new Mandate data. So any future collection will be using the update BIC and/or IBAN. All other Recurring Payments and Installments still hold the old mandate data.

SEPA Amendment Indicator in pain.008

If the Mandate History contains a value for OriginalBankAccount and has not been processed before, the next time a SEPA Direct Debit is generated the Amendment Indicator in the SEPA Direct Debit file is set to true reporting “SMNDA” in the Amendment Information Details.

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