Guided Matching Setup

API name: cpm__Guided_Matching_Setup__c


The Guided Matching Setup object stores the custom matching rules you configured for Guided Matching. We strongly recommend using the configuration interface to define rules rather than directly modifying fields on this object.


The following table outlines key fields for this object. For complete details, please use the Salesforce Object Manager.

Guided Matching Setup NameText(80)Descriptive name automatically generated by FinDock
ObjectText(255)The object the matching rules are applied to
Report Sub TypeText(255)The report sub type the matching rules are applied to
Report TypeText(255)The report type the matching rules are applied to
RulesLong Text Area(131072)Guided Matching rule setup stored in JSON format
TargetText(255)The target to which the Guide Matching setup applies

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