Payment Request Generator Run

API name: cpm__Reference_Generator_Run__c


The Payment Request Generator Run object is used to define specific runs of the FinDock Payment Request Generator.


The following table outlines key fields for this object. For complete details, please use the Salesforce Object Manager.

CampaignLookupIf the source type is campaign, this field holds the selected campaign
Generator TypeText(255)Technical name of the selected generator ( e.g. Bring your Own) for the given payment processor
Other Input FieldsText(255)JSON configuration which holds the mapped input fields
Other Output FieldsText(255)JSON configuration which holds the mapped output fields
Payment Request Generator Run NameText(80)Auto-generated name for the run
ProcessorText(255)The payment processor for the generation
Reference FieldText(255)The field where the generated reference is stored
Reference TypeText(255)The payment method for the generation
Report Folder NameText(255)If the source type is report, this field holds the selected report folder name
Report IdText(18)If the source type is report, this field holds the selected report Id
Report NameText(255)If the source type is report, this field holds the selected report name
Source TypeText(255)From which source data the generator runs (e.g. Campaign or Report)
StatusPicklistStatus of the Payment Request Generator

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