Payment Profile

API name: cpm__Payment_Profile__c


The Payment Profile object contains details about a specific payment method that a contact or account has used. A separate Payment Profile record is created for different credit cards, IBANs, bank account and sort code combinations, etc. Payment profiles are linked to installments to indicate what details should be used when collecting a given installment.

   FinDock does not store the primary account number (PAN) of a card, rather only tokenized card details on the payment profile.

When handling changes to payment details stored on a payment profile, we recommend creating a new payment profile record rather than updating the existing record. This preserves the history of existing payments and installments related to the original profile information.

Different types of information for the Payment Profile object are separated by using record types. These record types allow you to configure different page layouts for each type of payment profile such as credit card, IBAN, bank account, etc. For more information about working with record types and page layouts, see Assign Page Layouts to Profiles or Record Types.

Identification and uniqueness

The Payment Profile object includes two fields for identification and enforcing uniqueness: Primary Identifier and Unique Identifier.

The Primary Identifier field is an indexed identification field that can be queried by processes like Guided Matching. The field value is determined by Record Type (account, credit card, etc.).

The Unique Identifier field is an indexed field with an enforceable, unique value that is upserted during Guided Matching processing. When uniqueness is enforced (FinDock Core general setting - disabled by default), this field ensures duplicate records are not created because of parallel processing. The Unique Identifier value is composed of the following elements:

Record Type Name + Primary Identifier + Wallet Type  + 18 char Contact Id (or Account Id).

All elements are separated by an underscore.

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