Data quality requirements

Data quality impacts your payment data in different ways. When it comes to the process of collecting payments, FinDock needs specific data on installments and payment schedules. For mandate management, FinDock needs certain data on mandates and mandate schedules depending on the direct debit scheme, the processor and whether you are registering, updating or cancelling mandates.

To help you make sure the right data is in your org, either through a data migration or another method of data entry, FinDock provides a description of:

  • What data is required
  • Under what circumstances
  • In what format the data is expected

We call these requirements "rules" and a set of requirements for a given payment processor and method a "ruleset."

A description of rules is provided as a Google spreadsheet here. This data can also be downloaded for analysis.

Key terms

MethodA payment method
ProcessA FinDock related process like collection of payments.
ProcessorA payment processor
RuleA rule against which a record is validated in context of a certain process
RulesetA set of rules against which a record is validated in context of a certain process

How to read a ruleset

A payment processor ruleset consists of rules that are applicable for a payment method and are applied to a specific object.

The ruleset hierarchy is as follows:

Processor (PaymentHub-SEPA)
|_Process (Collection)
  |_ Ruleset = Payment Method (Direct Debit) AND Object (cpm__Installment__c)
    |_Rule 1
  	|_Rule 2
    |_Rule 3
    |_Rule x

Rule attributes

AttributeDescriptionExample Rule Description
Field*What field on the object the rule applies to.cpm__Bank_Statement_Description__c
CodeA code that describes the rule that applies to the field.REQUIRED, MAXLENGTH
DescriptionA more user friendly description of the rule. Is it required? Is there a certain formatting the content needs to adhere to?Max. length 144 characters
ErrorWhat error message is shown when a record does not pass the rule.Bank Statement Description is too long
OnlyWhen**If the rule only applies when a certain condition is met, this field shows the condition.cpm__Payment_Profile__r > cpm__IBAN__c STARTS_WITH GB
Reason**If OnlyWhen is applied, a user friendly explanation of the condition.This field is required to collect from British bank accounts with SEPA Direct Debit since Brexit.
Formula**If the Field is a formula field - and thus cannot be edited directly - shows how the Field value is calculated so that you can correct the fields used in the formula.IF ( NOT ( ISBLANK ( cpm__Custom_Payment_Reference__c ) ) , cpm__Custom_Payment_Reference__c , IF ( NOT ( ISBLANK ( cpm__Recurring_Payment_Reference__c ) ) , cpm__Recurring_Payment_Reference__c , cpm__Generated_Payment_Reference__c ) )

*More than one rule can apply to a field.
**Only available when applicable.

Rule types

CodeExample Rule DescriptionExample Rule Error
REQUIREDRequired fieldBank Statement Description is missing
MAXLENGTHMax. length 144 charactersBank Statement Description is too long
EQMust be equal to 2021-03-30Is not equal to 2021-03-30
GTMust be greater than 0Amount is not greater than 0
INMust have one of these values: {Pending, Pending recollection}Status must have one of these values: {Pending, Pending recollection}
BOOLMust be truecpm__Payment_Profile__c > Active is not true
MATCHESMust match the pattern: [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1}Value does not follow the required pattern.
TARGETType must be PaymentHub-SEPA and subtype SEPATarget must be PaymentHub-SEPA and subtype SEPA

Some very specific validation rules do not fit the above types, for these the code CUSTOM is used and a custom validation, description and error is added.

Validating data quality

To make sure you do not run into errors when running a FinDock process like collecting payments through a payment schedule, FinDock can validate your current data according to the applicable ruleset. This can be done on an individual record like an installment or mandate, as well as on a process record like a payment or mandate schedule.

The validation is carried out by the FinDock Data Quality component. If the current record is not a process, it is validated against all possible processes. For details on how to configure and use the component, please see Using data quality validation.

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