Why isn't FinDock working with a new NPSP sandbox?
After spinning up a new sandbox for an org with NPSP, you may find that FinDock is not working as normal. Typically you see that installments are not created for new opportunities. You may also not have working FinDock fields on Recurring Donation.
The reason for this is that the FinDock NPSP triggers did not get copied over to the sandbox. To confirm this, go to the NPSP Settings in your sandbox and open the Trigger Configuration under System Tools. You are likely missing these two classes:
If they are missing, you need to manually create them by clicking New Trigger Handler. Use the screenshots below to configure the two FinDock classes.
- For the Opportunity class, the trigger actions are Before Insert, Before Update, Before Delete, After Insert and After Update.
- For the Recurring Donation class, the trigger actions are Before Insert, Before Update, After Insert and After Update.
Opportunity trigger configuration
Recurring Donation trigger configuration
How does FinDock handle written off opportunity payments?
NPSP automatically marks unpaid opportunity payments as written off when the opportunity moves to a Closed/Lost stage type. This also happens when an installment changes to a status that is mapped to a Closed/Lost stage. For example, by default, Failed status is mapped to Closed Lost, so an installment that fails automatically results in the opportunity payment being written off.
If you try to recollect that failed installment, NPSP throws the following error:
If you have workflows that include retrying closed (and lost) opportunities, you can do the following:
- Change the relevant installment status mappings, such as Failed and Reversed, to open opportunity stages
- Regularly check for this specific error and manually change the opportunity details (uncheck the Written Off flag) to allow recollection.
- If you frequently get closed opportunities that need to be reopened, consider building a custom solution that enables removing the Written Off flag when the opportunity is reopened.
- If you are not using GAUs or ASL, you can disable automatic creation of opportunity payments in the NPSP settings. In this setup, FinDock still creates opportunity payments, but only paid or reversed amounts, which avoids automatic write off of unpaid opportunity payment records. However, you can still run into this issue with manually created opportunity payments.
Do I need to use NPSP opportunity payments?
By default, NPSP automatically creates Opportunity Payment records when new opportunities are created. If you are not using General Account Units or Accounting Subledger, you can turn off this NPSP setting. FinDock still creates opportunity payments when an installment is fully paid. Negative opportunity payments are also created for reversed installments.
How should I handle opportunities with partially paid installments?
FinDock creates payment records for partial payments and automatically sets the related installment status to Partially Paid. By default, the Partially Paid status is mapped to Pledged, and no Opportunity Payment record is created until the full opportunity amount is collected.
If you have installment data included in your opportunity page layout, you can, for example, ensure that the installment status is included in the page view. However, tracking actual income in partial payment scenarios should include some form of checking as part of reconciliation. This can be done through Guided Matching rules, for example, or you can configure partial payments to go to Manual Review using the ProcessingHub general settings. (Set Underpaid Installment Handling option to Manual Review.)
Does FinDock support Enhanced Recurring Donation
On April 29th 2020, Salesforce introduced a new feature to the Salesforce Nonprofit Success Pack: Enhanced Recurring Donation.
This feature is optional and requires additional setup and a data migration. The setup and migration include breaking changes to the data model and business logic with regards to Recurring Donations.
With the September 2020 release, FinDock provides full support for Enhanced Recurring Donations.
Please carefully consider the Next Donation Date Match Range setting with using Enhanced Recurring Donations. If, for example, you use the default 3 days and your calendar year includes 4 bank holiday days in a row for a given month, you can get a late payment collection and an auto-created duplicate opportunity for that month. Yearly recurring donations typically also need a wider match range than 3 days.
How do I stop a recurring donation?
If a donor wants to end a recurring donation, you will typically have business-specific logic to handle this scenario.
You always need to make sure the related mandate is set to inactive (change the Active checkbox on Mandate from marked to unmarked). In addition, all remaining open installments (opportunities) need to go to, for instance, Closed Lost.
You do this by changing the status of the (Enhanced) Recurring Donation. Closing the recurring donation automatically closes the related opportunities, as well as changes the status of the corresponding installments.