Payment Form configuration options

The embedded Payment Form for Giving Pages and PayLinks is fully integrated with your payment processing configuration in FinDock. Wherever possible, we use default values in the form settings to help you to create and publish pages quickly. These values are adequate in most cases, but the range of settings give you many ways to customize and optimize the payment experience.

Common settings

As with other page elements, you can modify the basic appearance - font, background, padding and so forth - of the Payment Form. In addition, there is one important appearance setting under the Payment Form settings proper: brand color.

The brand color setting determines the color of the radio button, checkboxes and button(s) on the payment form. The default color in the templates has been set to fit the color scheme of the template images.

Payment Form brand color setting

The payment form background color can also be adjusted, but we strongly advise you to keep this white or a light color to keep the form readable.

Page labels

For each step of the payment process, there are page labels to help guide the donor through the process. These labels include the title of the form page and buttons to allow the donor to proceed or move back through the payment steps.

TitleThe main heading on the donation form displayed at the top of the form.
Button label nextThe text that appears on the button that advances the donor to the next step of the donation form.
Button label backThe text that appears on the button that returns the donor to previous step of the donation form.

Amounts and frequency

The amount and frequency settings define the donation options presented to page visitors. This includes basic payment parameters like donation amount as well as key texts like the narratives for preset donation levels, campaign and origin.

Payment Form amounts and frequency

CurrencyCurrency of the payment amounts. If your org does not have multi-currency enabled, this setting is disabled (and shows your org currency). If you have multi-currency enabled, the dropdown list shows all currencies in your org. When making the selection for the payment form, however, keep in mind which payment processor you are using. Not all processors support multi-currency.
Default payment periodThe payment period that is pre-selected when a donor visits the page.
Hide decimalsEnable to hide decimals from amount fields so that only whole numbers can be entered.

If FinDock for Fundraising is installed, you also have the Tributes available.

Frequency settings

Payment Form amounts and frequency settings

LabelName of the payment period option (radio button).
PresetsYou can define up to six preset amounts. Each preset has its own narrative.
Impact narrativesFor each preset amount, write a short, inspirational text that communicates what you can do with the donation amount (i.e. why the donor should give that amount).
Allow open amountEnable this option if you would like to allow donors to give an amount different from your presets.
Open amount labelName of the open amount option (text shown instead of a number).
Open amount placeholderWhen the donor selects the open amount option, this text is shown in the field where the donor should enter their donation amount.
Open amount minimumIf you would like to set a minimum donation for open amounts, you can add the limit here. Default is 0.00.

Open amount error messages

RequiredThe text displayed when the open amount is selected but no value is entered before moving to the next step of the form.
Invalid formatThe text displayed when the donation amount as too many decimals
Amount below 0.00The text displayed when the donation amount is below 0.00 (usually a typo by the donor).
Amount too highThe text displayed when the donation amount is too high (beyond 99,999.00)

Personal details

The personal details settings are an important part of the payment form, both in terms of privacy and personalization of future donor follow-up journeys. The European GDPR rules apply here, so you need to inform donors what information is being collected and for what purposes. Use the privacy text editor to create a privacy statement (and/or link to your full statement on your website).

The next step is to click the Personal Details button to set which details will be collected. By default, only the minimum amount of information is collected that is required for payment processing. Use the mapping table (pictured below). For each detail, you can define the field label (displayed in the form), a placeholder value, Salesforce mapping, as well as whether or not the detail is visible and required. Learn more about input fields and how to add your own here

Payment Form personal details mapping Payment Form personal details mapping for first name

Required field for Person Account

If your org is using person accounts, you need to map personal details fields to Account rather than Contact.

In addition, you need to explicitly map a record type on Account to a Person Account record type using an additional input field. Define thee field as required for the page, but not visible.

Record type as additional input field

Payment details

In this part of the payment form configuration, you need to decide what payment method(s) will be offered and how those methods are configured.

Select Payment Method LabelThe text displayed above the dropdown list of payment method options.

If Gift Aid is installed, you also have the following options.

Ask for Gift AidEnable to allow UK donors to contribute their Gift Aid tax relief.
Gift Aid textStatement explaining Gift Aid qualification. The default text is the officially recommended text from HMRC.
Claim Gift Aid labelConfirmation statement when a donor agrees to Gift Aid contribution. The default text is the officially recommended text from HMRC.

Payment Details

Click the Payment Details button to open the configuration details (pictured below).

The main aspects to plan and configure are:

  • Which payment methods you want to offer
  • The order in which the method options should be lists for donors
  • The default method for each payment period (one-time and recurring)
  • Require initial payment for recurring payments (if applicable and optional for the given PSP and method).

Payment Form payment methods configuration

The payment methods available in the configuration popup depend on which processors and methods you have activated in FinDock. Only activated methods can be used in the payment form. Use the left-right and up-down arrows to add methods to the form and change the order.

For each payment method, you can enter a custom label (name shown to the donor) and use the toggles to define the defaults for one-time and recurring options.

In addition, any parameters that are available for the given processor and method are available for configuration. You can see these by clicking the Show Parameters button. For each parameter you can define a label, a default value (if allowed), as well as set visible and required toggles.

For some methods, if the parameters are required by the payment method (e.g. account holder name and account number for Bacs DD), they are already set accordingly and made visible for donors. However, required description parameters (typically used for internal purposes) have visible turned off by default.

Cover Transaction Fees

Here you can present the payer with an optional additional amount to add to the payment. This cover fee can be used to cover operational costs, such as payment processing fees or surcharges for special payment methods.

   Clearly indicate to the payer the total amount of the payment by using __AMOUNT__ as a merge field in the title or next button Page Labels.

VisibleEnable to show the cover fee option to the payer.
TitleThe text next to the opt-in checkbox. Include the merge field __FEE_AMOUNT__ to show the payer the calculated amount that will be added to the payment.
Percentage increaseSet here the percentage FinDock uses to calculate the cover fee amount.
Cover fee explanationAdd here an additional text if you want to explain the extra benefit of the cover fee.
Pre-select to cover feeEnable to make the cover fee opt-in checkbox true (checked) by default.
Store cover fee on InstallmentIf you want to save the cover fee amount as a separate value on Installment, select here the field FinDock should use. This mapping is for reporting purposes only, so only map to a field that has no other use.
Store cover fee on recurringIf you want to save the cover fee amount as a separate value for a recurring payment, select here the field FinDock should use. As with the Installment mapping, this mapping is intended for reporting purposes only.

Thank you page

Here you configure the thank you message that you would like to show visitors who have made a donation.

Thank you typeSelect Embedded to show the thank you content that you define here. Select Custom to use a separate thank you page. For this option, you need to enter the URL for your page in the Thank you URL field.
Thank you titleThe main text at the top of the thank you message.
Title heading typeSets the size of the title text. Heading 1 is largest, heading 5 smallest.
Title font colorUse the color picker to set the title text color.
Thank you textUse the text editor to add a full thank you message for the donor.
Select imageIf you would like to use an image on the embedded thank you page, you can upload it here.


In addition to the error page that is displayed when something goes wrong with the payment process, you can define here the error messages that appear when a field value is missing or incorrect.

Required field missing messageIf a required field is not filled in, this message is shown. In the message, __FIELD_LABEL__ is a variable that is replaced with the label of the field missing a value.
Invalid field messageIf field contains an invalid value, this message is shown. In the message, __FIELD_LABEL__ is a variable that is replaced with the label of the field with an invalid value.

Error page

Here you configure the error message that that is shown visitors who have made a donation, but for some reason (e.g. lost internet connection) the payment could not be processed.

Error page typeSelect Embedded to show the error content you that you define here. Select Custom to use a separate error page. For this option, you need to enter the URL for your page in the Error Page URL field.
Error page titleThe main text at the top of the thank you message.
Title heading typeSets the size of the title text. Heading 1 is largest, heading 5 smallest.
Title font colorUse the color picker to set the title text color.
Error page textUse the text editor to add a full error message for the donor.
Select imageIf you would like to use an image on the embedded error page, you can upload it here.

Add additional form fields

Next to the standard fields added by default, you can add your own fields to the form. Three types of fields can be added.

Field TypeDescription
Input fieldGeneral field that you can manually add to the payment form, for instance, to ask the payer to enter details that you want stored in Salesforce
Address input fieldsA special compound field that can be mapped to an address field group on Contact (Mailing or Other address) or Account (Billing or Mailing address). Custom address fields are not supported. If Country is enabled in the org, this is presented as a picklist. The State field is hidden by default. If made visible, it is a picklist with values dependent on the org country and state settings. If not defined, the Country and Sate fields are rendered as a free-text input fields.
Text fieldsField that can be used to display a specific text; supports rich text and URLs.

Fields can be added to the following pages of the Payment Form by pressing the + Add button in the Fields section of their respective Payment Form setting pages:

  • Amounts & Frequency
  • Personal Details
  • Payment Method (selection)

You can also re-order the fields by pressing and holding while dragging the hamburger icon in front the field label.

Input fields

Input fields have the following settings or attributes:

VisibleIf visible is toggled on, the field is visible to the user as an input field. If visible is toggled off, the field is not visible on the form, but the Default value will be sent to Salesforce
RequiredIf toggled on, the field is a required input field.
LabelLabel shown on the form if Visible is toggled on. Can be customized / translated.
PlaceholderValue shown in the input field box until the user enters a value. Can be used to indicate how to use the field
DefaultDefault value used if no other value is entered. Can also be used to send additional data to Salesforce to be used for further processing by toggling Visible off.
ObjectObject in Salesforce to map the field value to.
FieldField on Object in Salesforce to map the field value to.

Fields can be mapped to Salesforce fields to store the data in your system. You can map fields to fields on objects directly related to FinDock payments: Contact, Account, Installment, Recurring (what object is used depends on your default source connector and Inbound Report. The type of input field - text, phone, email, checkbox, picklist, date - is determined by the Salesforce field it is mapped to.

   Do not map input fields to fields like Payment Method & Payment Processor on Installment or the Raw Message field on Inbound Report that are used by FinDock to process payments. This might lead to unexpected behavior.

Special input fields

Date fields: To make it easy to enter date fields on the payment form, there is a specific user interaction for the Birthday field on Contact. This field is shown as a date picker with a separate input step for day, month and year. By changing the placeholder values, the date picker can be translated. However, the order of the fields cannot be changed.

Date fields other than the Birthday field use a calendar selection pop-out to make it easy to select a certain date.

Merge fields

You can use merge fields with input fields and payment method parameters (text fields) to generate unique default values. Merge field definitions must follow the standard Salesforce notation: default-text{!fieldname}

For an input field, you would enter your default-text{!fieldname} in the Default field of the input field definition. For payment method parameters, you can do the same with default values in the payment method configuration.

A good use case is the description parameter of the payment method, like Stripe credit card. There you can add a personalized thank-you message, as pictured below.

Merge field in payment method parameter

In this example, if the payer enters "John" for First Name in the payer details, the description would return the value "Thank you for contributing to our whale conservation effort, John."

When using merge fields, keep in mind:

  • If the field to be merged is not populated, an empty value is returned (in the example, it would be just “Thank you for contributing to our whale conservation effort,.”)
  • If the merge field does not actually exist (or, for instance, it is mistyped), a non-blocking warning is triggered indicating you are trying to use a merge field which does not exist.

URL query parameters

Custom field parameters

The URL query parameters based on custom fields can be used for:

  • Pre-filling fields on the donation form
  • Sending additional (hidden) data to Salesforce

You can use any field as a URL parameter from the Contact, Account, Recurring Donation, Installment and Inbound Report objects. The only exception is birthday, which cannot be pre-filled by query.

Custom form fields that you define in the Page Builder are also available for URL queries. When you have defined a custom field, use the field Id as the parameter name. For instance, in the custom field below the URL parameter would be

Custom field for URL parameter query

Preset parameters

The following parameters can be added to URLs to override configured values for amount and frequency presets.

ActionParameter nameExamples
Set one-time amountsopahttps://url?opa=10;20;30;40;50;60
Set one-time narrative labelsonlhttps://url?onl=narrative%201;narrative%202;narrative%203;narrative%204;narrative%205;narrative%206
Set monthly amountsmpahttps://url?mpa=10;20;30;40;50;60
Set monthly narrative labelsmnlhttps://url?mnl=narrative%201;narrative%202;narrative%203;narrative%204;narrative%205;narrative%206
Set yearly amountsypahttps://url?ypa=10;20;30;40;50;60
Set yearly narrative labelsynlhttps://url?ynl=narrative%201;narrative%202;narrative%203;narrative%204;narrative%205;narrative%206
Set default frequencydfhttps://url?df=onetime
https://url?df=recurring (deprecated)

   You can only override presets that are configured for the page. If you have, for example, 4 presets for one-time but pass https://url?opa=10;20;;40;;, FinDock overrides presets 1, 2 and 4.

The follow parameters are deprecated. Use instead the monthly parameters defined above.

ActionParameter nameExamples
Set recurring amountsrpahttps://url?rpa=5;10;15;20;35;30
Set recurring narrative labelsrnlnarrative%201;narrative%202;narrative%203;narrative%204;narrative%205;narrative%206

Payment method parameters

Payment method parameters, such as Description, can also be used as URL query parameters. These use the following construction:

Generic payment method parameter:

https://url? + pmp + [payment-method-parameter] + =value

For example: https://url?pmp[description]=mydescription

Specific payment method parameter:

https://url? + pmp + [payment-method] + [payment-method-parameter] + =value

For example: For example: https://url?pmp[ideal][description]=mydescription

All query parameters that you add to the URL are first evaluated by FinDock to check for validity.

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