How should I use Guided Review?
The Guided Review feature of Guided Matching, typically used together with queries and the Multiple Result Strategy, can help users quickly identify the correct matching record. The review component is configurable so that you can provide precise guidance for the reviewer.
However, it is important to exercise caution when leveraging Guided Review on Payment Intent inbound reports or on inbound report types and sub types incoming notifications from PSPs.
Why caution is necessary
Guided Review introduces a pause in the reconciliation process while users going through the review steps to find records. This pause can create problems if introduced at key junctures in the reconciliation process.
Certain PSP, such as PayPal, require a callout to process payment captures. These callouts are managed through messages generated from notifications, and they must occur within a defined transaction session period.
If you Guided Review inbound report types that come prior to the payment capture and the manual review steps are not completed before the given session period ends, payment capture fails. In other words, you don't collect the money.
Key considerations for Guided Review
When using Guided Review in your custom Guided Matching setup, be aware of the session period defined by your PSP.
If you need to use Guided Review at critical points during the session period, keep the Guided Review rule as simple as possible to ensure the review can be completed promptly.
Test your entire Guided Matching setup with Guided Review included to if your rules can be completed in practice. Adjust custom rules where necessary to prevent unintentional delays. For example, use the Take First option of a Multiple Result Strategy instead of Guided Review to ensure payment capture is not interrupted.