Configuring Tikkie

The Tikkie for FinDock extension brings the Tikkie payment service to Salesforce, fully leveraging FinDock's payment request and reconciliation features.

Payment MethodOne-timeRecurringRefunds

Wildly popular across the entire Dutch market, "Tikkies" are QR codes or URLs that direct users to simple, hassle-free payments. The payment requests can be used in all types of channels for a wide range of purposes. Payment requests can be sent through the Tikkie app, social media apps, email, SMS, printed, etc. They are ideal for campaigns, fundraising drives, or just giving potential givers a really easy way to donate.


  • FinDock installed and configured.
  • FinDock WebHub is connected.
  • A source connector is installed and configured.
  • You have a Tikkie for Business account.

Install and activate Tikkie extension

Follow the standard procedure for installing and activating the Tikkie extension.

Check and assign the required permissions. If you are using custom permission set groups, ensure the package-specific permission sets are assigned.

Configure Tikkie extension

Tikkie is currently only available in the Netherlands, so both the Tikkie Business Portal and some configuration steps are partially in Dutch. You will need to work in both the Tikke Business Portal and your Salesforce org to configure the Tikkie extension.

To configure Tikkie:

  1. Sign in to your Tikkie Business Portal account: or if you have a sandbox account with Tikkie.
  2. Click the cog icon in the top right corner to open the settings.
  3. Click the API tokens tile.
  4. Click the API token toevoegen button. Do not try to re-use existing API tokens that have been used for applications other than FinDock. tikkie_account_add_api_tokens-1024x712
  5. Select ‘Aanmaken betaalverzoekjes’ and ‘Terugbetaling betaalde verzoekjes of bestellingen’ and enter a ‘omschrijving’ that makes it clear this token will be used for FinDock.
  6. Click the API token toevoegen button.
  7. Check if your API token has been added.
  8. Click your API token and check if ‘Actief’ has been (automatically) selected.
  9. Click the cog in the top right corner and go to Bedrijfsinstellingen.
  10. Make sure that ‘Meerdere keren betalen’ has been selected and adjust the standard ‘Geldigheidstermijn’ as needed. This validity period is only used for Tikkies not created through FinDock.
  11. Launch the FinDock app and click Setup. You will see a red mark on the Remote Site Settings tab indicating that the remote site settings for Tikkie are disabled.
  12. Open the Remote Site Settings tab and, depending on your org, activate the test or production and QR generator endpoint of Tikkie.
    • For testing:
    • For production:
    • For QR generation (on both test & production): You should see a notification saying “Success: The remote site setting "NAME" has been activated successfully.
  13. Go back to the FinDock Setup tab.
  14. Click the ‘FinDock-Tikkie’ tile and enter the following values into their corresponding fields.
    Tikkie_extensions settings
    • Name: your Tikkie account name
    • Is Default: selected
    • Tikkie for Business API Token: your API token created at step 6. (similar to: 1a2345b6-cd7e-8f91-....)
    • Days Before Expiration: Set the number of days you want Tikkies to last before they expire. Default is 730 days. If you leave the setting empty, FinDock uses the default Geldigheidstermijn of 14 days.
    • Is Test: ONLY select this if you are using a Tikkie for Business Sandbox account from ABN AMRO at
  15. Click Save.
    If you get a “Unauthorized end-point” error when saving, please make sure you have activated the Tikkie endpoints under: Settings > Remote Site Settings.
  16. Deploy your changed by clicking ‘Click here to see the changes’ in the grey bar and then ‘Start Deploy.’

Multiple Tikkie accounts (Multi-Merchant)

If you have more than one Tikkie account, you can add more accounts by clicking the ‘Add Account’ button in the FinDock-Tikkie setup page. This creates a new tab for multiple accounts. You can configure the account by following the ‘Configure Tikkie extension’ steps. Make sure you use the right Tokens for the right account. For further information about Multi-Merchant functionality in FinDock, see Multi-Merchant accounts for PSPs.

Configure Quick Tikkie

The FinDock Quick Tikkie feature is implemented as a Salesforce component. All you need to do to be able to use it is add the component to a Lightning Record Page.

To configured Quick Tikkie:

  1. Open the desired page layout in the Lightning App Builder.
  2. Search for the "Tikkie" component.
  3. Drag the component onto the page.
    Quick Tikkie component configuration
  4. Click Save , and if necessary, Activate.

Create Tikkies with Payment Request Generator

You can generate open or closed Tikkies with the Payment Request Generator using the Tikkie reference type.

For the generated Tikkies, you need to create custom fields - preferably Tikkie specific - on the target object to store (output mapping) the following values:

  • Payment Reference: Text(22)
  • Payment URL: Url(255)
  • QR Base 64: Long text Area(32768)

In addition, create a custom Description field (Text(35)) as the input field on Campaign, Campaign Member or other object, where you can provide the text that is shown to the payer on the Tikkie payment page.

Testing with the Payment API

You can use the following example message to test if the Tikkie configuration is working as expected.

	"SuccessURL": "",
	"FailureURL": "",
	"Payer": {
		"Contact": {
			"SalesforceFields": {
				"FirstName": "Eric",
				"LastName": "Johnson",
				"Email": ""
	"OneTime": {
		"Amount": "36"
	"PaymentMethod": {
		"Name": "Tikkie",
		"Processor": "FinDock-Tikkie",
		"Parameters": {
			"description": "example description"

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